I rode the bike for an hour. Warmed up for 10min then rode pretty steady on a decent resistance for the rest of the ride. At 20, 30, and 40 min I threw in a 3min up hill surge turning the resistance up quite high. I kept it steady, it wasn't a sprint. Then at 50min I threw in a 2min hard sprint. All of this was just to test myself, see what I could handle before I got too tired. After the hill at 20min I thought I wouldn't make it past 30. But around 35-40 the annoying lactic build up went away and I felt great. I was able to pick up the pace a little more and I really hit the sprint at 50min hard. I felt like Lance. Actually, I'm not going to lie, I was playing Lance Armstrong almost the whole time because there was a dude with a rugby type polo riding next to me. I thought to myself, this would be almost as bad as losing to the kid in the white necklace...never do it. So, I reminded myself of the injured days of playing Tour de France with Jokin on the Bikes in the OMAC. It was fun.
While I was riding , my genius former CTO and now board member and visionary (PhD at MIT, inventor of RFID chips (huge trust me) and basically the lead on every advanced military technology project for the DoD and Lockheed) saw me and probably thought I was insane. I was sweating like crazy, breathing hard, and pedaling my ass off. He tried to have a full fledged convo with me about the deal we're doing with MLB....I could barely talk, but I think he got the gist of what's going on with that.
Afterwards I lifted shoulders. I do 5 different workouts for my shoulders. It's hard to describe them all so I'll spare you that.
The funniest part of tonight was a woman who I swear had just stepped out of a Delorean from the 80's. I'm talking sweat bands around the forehead and wrists, leotard over spandex shirt, grey sweatpants tucked into massive two red stripped crew socks scrunched down, and the classic white Reeboks.....Wow! Watch out...hot stuff...coming through. No, joking aside though, this woman was serious. She wasn't looking for a laugh (she got them), but she was fucking cocked, locked, and ready to rock. She got up on that stepper and I expected Richard Simmons type climbing over there, I mean she was only like late 40s early 50s. No, no. No Russel Simmons stepper dancing, far from it. Slow...as...hell. I watched jaw dropped. I get a better workout standing on an escalator. I love that gym.
I cranked out some abs and stretched and headed on my 1mi yog home. I heard of a 5k today that is run in March in Boston with lots of beer at the end. I think I'll try that. Sounds like my kind of jam.
Quote of the day:
Everybody's doin' a brand new dance now
(C'mon baby do the loco-motion)
I know you'll get to like it
If you give it a chance now
(C'mon baby do the loco-motion)
My little baby sister can do it with ease
It's easier than learning your a b c's
So come on, come on,
Do the loco-motion with me
I expected that woman to bust out a boom box and blast that shit. Sadly, it only happened in my head.