Sorry for the period of nothingness there. I hit a small (read, massive) speed bump (backwards, with those things that make your tires pop) in my life and it took me a little while to get the motivation back. It's been a mental battle, but I'm hanging tough.
Yesterday was a rough mental day. For whatever reason, it was one of the roughest I've had since. So I fucking hammered 4 miles in 22min 3sec. It felt great. It was like the time Sarro and I worked out together (fast repeat 300s with very short rest) and I rocked the shit out of that workout and Sarro got injured (sorry buddy!). It was a cool night and I did my 4mi loop around the Charles to MIT's gym.
At the gym I still had a lot of energy and it showed in my lifting. I was lifting a little too fast but I was able to put up a little more than normal. Funny what adrenaline and emotion can do. I did chest and biceps. Incline press, bench press, and decline press each 3 sets of 10reps. Incline was with 50lb free weights, bench was 160lbs, and decline was 160lbs. While benching the due on the bench next to me let one rip while he was lifting and it fucking CLEARED the area. It was like a biological weapon went off because everyone all of a sudden ran to the other side of the building for a "drink of water." I've never seen a longer line for the bubbla. I was one of them. Seriously, that kid stayed behind, I'm surprised he's not dead. I know everyone likes their own brand, but really, that was not healthy. Biceps were 3 different workouts that I don't know how to describe. All 2 sets of 10 reps at 60lbs and 1 set of 10 reps at 70lbs. I threw some abs and stretches in there and sprinted the 1mi home for good measure. At home I did some lunges and calf raises and called it a day.
Just got home from work and I'm about to head out for more.
Can any of my runner friends answer this for me? The Boston Marathon, if you're running for a charity do you still need to qualify? Or is it like the NYC marathon where if you're running for charity you can just get in. I was planning on running for a breast cancer foundation for Natalie's mom and aunt. I never got to talk to her about it and I'm not sure she'll want me to anymore, but I can at least still run for the foundation. But I'm not sure if I can get in without a qualifier and I don't think there's any way for me to qualify before then. Let me know what y'all think. If not, maybe I'll train for the San Diego one in June.
Quote of the day:
Once a Runner - "Running to him was real, the way he did it the realest thing he knew. It was all joy and woe, hard as diamond; it made him weary beyond comprehension. But it also made him free."
Because it was just that kind of run. Freeing.
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