So, another crappy weather day. Thank God I will have several days in San Diego to run, I can't stand this weather anymore. It's snowing and shitty and I didn't want to run in it so I decided to ride again.
I rode for about an hour and a half and again after the first 10min or so I was able to crank and feel comfortable. Some really tall chick started riding next to me for about the last half hour and she didn't sit down the whole time she just kept slowly pedaling awkwardly. It threw me off a little bit. Afterwards I did my shoulder routine and abs. I really like my ab workout but I'm starting to get bored with it and it doesn't work my lower abs enough so I need to start putting together a new one. If anyone has any lower ab workouts that works well let me know.
It's a good thing I hammered on the bike for a while too because I'm thinking I probably won't be able to do anything tomorrow. I won't get out of work until later and my Dad and his friend are coming up to go Bowling before I head out to San Diego.
Quote of the day:
Michael Scott: You don't call retarded people retards. It's bad taste. You call your friends retards when they're acting retarded.
I am utterly obsessed with the office.
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