Another one of those days. It started off awful because one of my co worker's sister was in an extremely bad car accident in North Carolina. They were cut off by a tractor trailor and their SUV flipped over. His sister is in critical condition and her friend died. Not a good way to start the day and my prayers are with them.
Then a few other comments during the day (similar situation that caused me to be pissed and ride 2hrs last time) really made me upset and frustrated all over again, and then I had 2 meetings today where a few people in them were really pissing me off.
So, I sprinted to the gym as soon as I got home and I absolutely hammered on the bike for 2hrs again, and again it felt great. I had a guy next to me that was actually a rider so he helped keep my speed up and he helped me on the hill intervals every 15min. I really fell into a zone of deep thought and was surrounded by the music (I finally put music on my iphone so I don't have to keep taking my roommate's ipod), and I just hammered the ride out. My legs were tired for the first 5min but once I really fell into the zone it was like my legs were on autopilot.
Then I lifted chest and did a really hard but great ab workout because I still had some adrenaline pumping because I got my mind going again. The whole workout felt great.
I decided today that I'm going to run a 5k on March 16 in Davis Sq. It's supposed to be really fun afterwards and a lot of people show up. Top 6 male finishers and top 6 female finishers get cash prizes and based on the times from last year I THINK I can do that. It might be tough but I'm right on the edge. I'll do a workout soon to see if that's the case, but at least it will be a great workout and a lot of fun. It's weird, it said Fagan ran it last year, unless someone ran as him, here are last year's results just scroll down when you get to the page:
Quote of the day:
How happy is the blameless vestal's lot
The world forgetting, by the world forgot
Eternal sunshine of the spotless mind
Each pray'r accepted, and each wish resign'd.
Sometimes I wish the technology from eternal sunshine of the spotless mind existed
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
Sunday February 24, 2008 - Funny or Die: Again
Last night topped Friday night. Craig, Cory, the Tomlimsons and their significant others, Emma, and several of Craigs friends who were really fun, and myself, all went to Evolution, a Journey cover band at BB King's house of blues in times square. We watched the journey DVD all day to get outselves pumped up and ended up being hesitant because we were afraid Evolution might not rock us like the real Journey. We were pleasantly surprised.
First, the singer WAS Steve Perry, DNA tests confirmed it. The only way around it was it could have been a clone. This guy wore the exact same clothes as Steve Perry did on one of his tours, his mannerisms were IDENTICAL in every way, the way he danced/walked, the way he held the microphone, the way he sang. His physical appearance and voice were identical. That can't just be coincidence. Who wakes up one day looks in the mirror and says you know I look an awful lot like steve perry. Then sings and says holy shit I sound just like steve perry. Then goes through the day and says I act just like steve perry.......the only thing left to do is join a journey cover band. NO ONE, that's who. That's why it WAS steve perry. Don't even try to F-ing tell me otherwise.
So, anyway, we screamed our heads off at that and it was great. Then we went to Joshua Tree on the east side and thats always the best time. it doesn't matter that it's packed so tight you can barely move (like the fish co dance floor only tighter) the music is too good you still have a great time. And if you stay pretty late, like past 2 or 3 it starts to clear up and you can dance your face off to the best songs of the 80s. How does it get better you say? You booze your face off too.....that's how.
We woke up at 2pm again this "morning" and again not that hung over, little more than yesterday, but not much. We went on another nice 5miler only this time we ran on the bike path along the Hudson which was pretty nice...except for looking at Dirty Jerz across the water. It started off a little cold but ended up very nice and it was another great run of conversation. Leave it to Brown XC guys to always have great conversations on runs. I skipped the abbage and push ups todays, was far too hungry when we got back so we hit up the deli for more samiches and gatorade and I got some doritos good.
Tonight I'm going to the Will Ferrell Funny or Die comedy show again only this time its at Radio City Music Hall instead of BC. It is going to kick so much ass.
Quote of the Day:
After a dude on rollerblades kind of whizzes by us and says something to the effect of get out of the way:
Cory "What is the hardest part about being a rollerblader?"
Me "What?"
Cory "Having to tell your parents that you're gay"
First, the singer WAS Steve Perry, DNA tests confirmed it. The only way around it was it could have been a clone. This guy wore the exact same clothes as Steve Perry did on one of his tours, his mannerisms were IDENTICAL in every way, the way he danced/walked, the way he held the microphone, the way he sang. His physical appearance and voice were identical. That can't just be coincidence. Who wakes up one day looks in the mirror and says you know I look an awful lot like steve perry. Then sings and says holy shit I sound just like steve perry. Then goes through the day and says I act just like steve perry.......the only thing left to do is join a journey cover band. NO ONE, that's who. That's why it WAS steve perry. Don't even try to F-ing tell me otherwise.
So, anyway, we screamed our heads off at that and it was great. Then we went to Joshua Tree on the east side and thats always the best time. it doesn't matter that it's packed so tight you can barely move (like the fish co dance floor only tighter) the music is too good you still have a great time. And if you stay pretty late, like past 2 or 3 it starts to clear up and you can dance your face off to the best songs of the 80s. How does it get better you say? You booze your face off too.....that's how.
We woke up at 2pm again this "morning" and again not that hung over, little more than yesterday, but not much. We went on another nice 5miler only this time we ran on the bike path along the Hudson which was pretty nice...except for looking at Dirty Jerz across the water. It started off a little cold but ended up very nice and it was another great run of conversation. Leave it to Brown XC guys to always have great conversations on runs. I skipped the abbage and push ups todays, was far too hungry when we got back so we hit up the deli for more samiches and gatorade and I got some doritos good.
Tonight I'm going to the Will Ferrell Funny or Die comedy show again only this time its at Radio City Music Hall instead of BC. It is going to kick so much ass.
Quote of the Day:
After a dude on rollerblades kind of whizzes by us and says something to the effect of get out of the way:
Cory "What is the hardest part about being a rollerblader?"
Me "What?"
Cory "Having to tell your parents that you're gay"
Saturday February 23, 2008 - Don't Stop Believing
Last night I stayed with Craigger. Cory, Craig, and I went out on the town, first to one of Craig's friend's Bday party where Cory and I stood in a corner and downed Amstel Lights because it was very much not our scene. Lots of rich uppity people...and they only served Amstel Light for beer.
Then we met up with my roommate and his friend at Tin Lizzie's on the upper east side and it was really fun. It wasn't packed, the music was great, Cory made the decision that we were going to get blacked out, I got to dance with a great girl all night and she gave me her number after, all in all a great night.
This morning (we woke up at 2pm) I wasn't that hung over surprisingly and Craig Cory and I went on a nice 5miler to the reservoir in central park and back. It was a pretty nice day, not too cold and company was nice to have. Good pace, good conversation, good run. We stopped at 2.5 to stretch, apparantly craigger can't go over that without stretching. Back at his apartment I cranked out lots of abs and push ups. Then we grabbed some kick ass samiches from the deli on the corner and some gatorades and got ready for the night ahead.
Quote of the day:
Craigger was telling us a story on the run about hooking up with a girl who's dog got into his jacket and chewed up anything in his pockets and ate his chapstick. The two best lines from the story: "I had to nut and cut" and when he received a generic text from her on xmas (the kind people send to everyone in their phone) he responds back with "thanks, I got chapstick in my stocking"
Then we met up with my roommate and his friend at Tin Lizzie's on the upper east side and it was really fun. It wasn't packed, the music was great, Cory made the decision that we were going to get blacked out, I got to dance with a great girl all night and she gave me her number after, all in all a great night.
This morning (we woke up at 2pm) I wasn't that hung over surprisingly and Craig Cory and I went on a nice 5miler to the reservoir in central park and back. It was a pretty nice day, not too cold and company was nice to have. Good pace, good conversation, good run. We stopped at 2.5 to stretch, apparantly craigger can't go over that without stretching. Back at his apartment I cranked out lots of abs and push ups. Then we grabbed some kick ass samiches from the deli on the corner and some gatorades and got ready for the night ahead.
Quote of the day:
Craigger was telling us a story on the run about hooking up with a girl who's dog got into his jacket and chewed up anything in his pockets and ate his chapstick. The two best lines from the story: "I had to nut and cut" and when he received a generic text from her on xmas (the kind people send to everyone in their phone) he responds back with "thanks, I got chapstick in my stocking"
Friday February 22, 2008 - To NY again
Today I only had a short amount of time to get a run in between work and trying to catch a bus to NY. This time I'm going to NY for personal fun rather than work.
It was snowing A LOT. It was complete white out conditions and the snow hurt as it was blasting me in the eyes. I was clearly the only A Hole out there running and I made it a quick 4. I don't really remember how I felt because the snow flakes scratching my eyes out was all I could really focus on. And genius me, I forgot to wear a hat so not only was my head freezing and wet but crossing the MA Ave bridge was great because snow was pelting me in the ear.
I hit up the gym and quickly did my tricep workout and abs and sprinted through the snow home. The snow was even heavier on the run home. Of course, when I need to catch a bus.
Quick story, I hate Greyhound. We bought tickets at 11am online and when we got to the terminal there were signs saying buses had been canceled since 9am. Genius greyhound, seriously, thanks, that was so nice of you to scam me. But, of course, you can never stop the Fung Wah no matter what the situation, they keep truckin. Mike and I got there JUST in time and grabbed the last 2 seats on the bus. I was in the very back middle seat with a MASSIVE black dude to my right who decided he wanted to sit with his legs spread all the way so that I had to squish mine together, and another dude to my left who deicded he wanted to sit with ALL his bags. I was comfortable, I swear.
Luckily, the bus broke down in the first 5min of the ride. Lucky that it was that early in, they sent a new one and it came pretty quick, and lucky that we all had to get off and transfer our stuff because people changed where they were sitting for whatever reason (they're dumb) and Mike and I got a row of seats so I didn't have to squish with those dudes again.
Quote of the day:
"I'm taking a greyhound on the hudson river line. I'm in a New York state of mind" - Billy Joel, New York State of Mind
It was snowing A LOT. It was complete white out conditions and the snow hurt as it was blasting me in the eyes. I was clearly the only A Hole out there running and I made it a quick 4. I don't really remember how I felt because the snow flakes scratching my eyes out was all I could really focus on. And genius me, I forgot to wear a hat so not only was my head freezing and wet but crossing the MA Ave bridge was great because snow was pelting me in the ear.
I hit up the gym and quickly did my tricep workout and abs and sprinted through the snow home. The snow was even heavier on the run home. Of course, when I need to catch a bus.
Quick story, I hate Greyhound. We bought tickets at 11am online and when we got to the terminal there were signs saying buses had been canceled since 9am. Genius greyhound, seriously, thanks, that was so nice of you to scam me. But, of course, you can never stop the Fung Wah no matter what the situation, they keep truckin. Mike and I got there JUST in time and grabbed the last 2 seats on the bus. I was in the very back middle seat with a MASSIVE black dude to my right who decided he wanted to sit with his legs spread all the way so that I had to squish mine together, and another dude to my left who deicded he wanted to sit with ALL his bags. I was comfortable, I swear.
Luckily, the bus broke down in the first 5min of the ride. Lucky that it was that early in, they sent a new one and it came pretty quick, and lucky that we all had to get off and transfer our stuff because people changed where they were sitting for whatever reason (they're dumb) and Mike and I got a row of seats so I didn't have to squish with those dudes again.
Quote of the day:
"I'm taking a greyhound on the hudson river line. I'm in a New York state of mind" - Billy Joel, New York State of Mind
Thursday February 21, 2008 - Snowboarding
This morning I woke up at 5am to head with my Dad up to Bretton Woods for a day off of snowboarding.
The conditions were ok. It was a beautiful clear day which was nice and there really weren't that many people there, but it was somewhat icy. The glades were impossible, they were a complete sheet of solid ice, they looked like glass. The sides of trails were also solid ice so they weren't fun to ride, you pretty much had to stick to the main parts of trails so my Dad and I just raced a lot.
After having spent time at Neely's place in Sun Valley and on that mountain I am so spoiled and such a snow snob. The east coast just doesn't cut it anymore. The runs are too short, the snow is too packed, icy, and hard, and the mountain is too small (and Bretton Woods is one of the bigger Mts in the northeast with 110 trails). The black diamonds on the east are REdiculously easy. Most blues on Sun Valley would be considered blacks or double blacks out east.
I did get somewhat daring though, despite the ice and hard snow to fall on. I got myself across several rails and jumps without falling. On my last attempt of the day I caught the most air to date for me. I was at least 15ft in the air and it wasn't in the park, it was a ledge I caught going down a regular blue trail and I could hear this woman down to my left who saw it and was clearly a beginner skier saying "oh my god, oh my god, don't fall, be careful, don't fall!" I was like lady, please shut up. It was also my smoothest landing of the day so I was excited about that. I only fell once and it was because i tried to come off a lip off two merging trails and didn't get high enough and my board hit the tip of a small tree sticking out of the ground. I spun and landed on my left ass cheek and it hurt.
The funniest thing I saw today was when I was on the chair lift. This little girl, looked maybe 5, was absolutely flying down a trail. She was freakin moving. And behind her, her mother, who was clearly not as skilled as her 5yr old was a good 20ft behind her screaming, "ELIZABETH! ELIZABETH! ELIZABETH! SLOW DOWN! BE CAREFUL! STOP ELIZABETH! STOP ELIZABETH! STOP!" I imagine this woman took a spill at some point after she was out of my view.
When I got home I took it easy with just a 2mi jog to keep the legs going and my bicep workout and abs at the gym. Snowboarding is quite an ab workout too every time you have to strap in, so I got a double ab workout today.
Quote of the day:
Harry "I expected the rocky mountains to be a little rockier than this"
Lloyd "I was thinking the same thing.......that John Denver is full of shit man"
Being in the mountains I can't help but think of that scene and this one:
Harry: "I can't feel my fingers Lloyd, they're...they're...they're numb"
Lloyd: "Here, take these" [gives Harry extra mittens] "My hands were starting to sweat anyway.
Harry: "You've had these extra gloves...this...whole time
Lloyd: "Yeah........we're in the rockies"
Harry: "I'm gunna kill you Lloyd.....I'm gunna kill you"
Lloyd: "Harry! You have that crazy look in your eye!"
Lloyd: [being strangled by Harry] "HARRY! You're hands are freezing!"
The conditions were ok. It was a beautiful clear day which was nice and there really weren't that many people there, but it was somewhat icy. The glades were impossible, they were a complete sheet of solid ice, they looked like glass. The sides of trails were also solid ice so they weren't fun to ride, you pretty much had to stick to the main parts of trails so my Dad and I just raced a lot.
After having spent time at Neely's place in Sun Valley and on that mountain I am so spoiled and such a snow snob. The east coast just doesn't cut it anymore. The runs are too short, the snow is too packed, icy, and hard, and the mountain is too small (and Bretton Woods is one of the bigger Mts in the northeast with 110 trails). The black diamonds on the east are REdiculously easy. Most blues on Sun Valley would be considered blacks or double blacks out east.
I did get somewhat daring though, despite the ice and hard snow to fall on. I got myself across several rails and jumps without falling. On my last attempt of the day I caught the most air to date for me. I was at least 15ft in the air and it wasn't in the park, it was a ledge I caught going down a regular blue trail and I could hear this woman down to my left who saw it and was clearly a beginner skier saying "oh my god, oh my god, don't fall, be careful, don't fall!" I was like lady, please shut up. It was also my smoothest landing of the day so I was excited about that. I only fell once and it was because i tried to come off a lip off two merging trails and didn't get high enough and my board hit the tip of a small tree sticking out of the ground. I spun and landed on my left ass cheek and it hurt.
The funniest thing I saw today was when I was on the chair lift. This little girl, looked maybe 5, was absolutely flying down a trail. She was freakin moving. And behind her, her mother, who was clearly not as skilled as her 5yr old was a good 20ft behind her screaming, "ELIZABETH! ELIZABETH! ELIZABETH! SLOW DOWN! BE CAREFUL! STOP ELIZABETH! STOP ELIZABETH! STOP!" I imagine this woman took a spill at some point after she was out of my view.
When I got home I took it easy with just a 2mi jog to keep the legs going and my bicep workout and abs at the gym. Snowboarding is quite an ab workout too every time you have to strap in, so I got a double ab workout today.
Quote of the day:
Harry "I expected the rocky mountains to be a little rockier than this"
Lloyd "I was thinking the same thing.......that John Denver is full of shit man"
Being in the mountains I can't help but think of that scene and this one:
Harry: "I can't feel my fingers Lloyd, they're...they're...they're numb"
Lloyd: "Here, take these" [gives Harry extra mittens] "My hands were starting to sweat anyway.
Harry: "You've had these extra gloves...this...whole time
Lloyd: "Yeah........we're in the rockies"
Harry: "I'm gunna kill you Lloyd.....I'm gunna kill you"
Lloyd: "Harry! You have that crazy look in your eye!"
Lloyd: [being strangled by Harry] "HARRY! You're hands are freezing!"
Wednesday February 20, 2008 - I can't get enough of this loop
My favorite loop is starting to remind me of Burkey loop because I can't get enough it. Running another 8er today with heavy legs and cold weather. I realized today that the heavy/tiredness in my legs tends to go away after 6mi or so. I just kind of hit a point and they're loose and comfortable, so I've got that going for me, which is nice.
I ended at the gym and rocked out my shoulder workout. There are some odd workout stances in my shoulder routine and I get funny looks from the people on the treadmills that face me. But then I give them the "I could own you on that treadmill" look and they look away in embarrassment. You know what I'm talking about.
Quote of the day:
"Baby girl, don't got a motor boat, but I can float your boat, listen baby girl"
Was listening to that song at the gym. Why? Because it's awesome, and that line is great
I ended at the gym and rocked out my shoulder workout. There are some odd workout stances in my shoulder routine and I get funny looks from the people on the treadmills that face me. But then I give them the "I could own you on that treadmill" look and they look away in embarrassment. You know what I'm talking about.
Quote of the day:
"Baby girl, don't got a motor boat, but I can float your boat, listen baby girl"
Was listening to that song at the gym. Why? Because it's awesome, and that line is great
Tuesday February 19, 2008 - Forgot
Like I said previously, I have to start writing these as soon as I finish my workout becuase all I really remember about this run is that I did my favorite loop plus an add on and ended up with 8mi. I remember feeling fairly tired too. I think it was too soon when I said I was surprised my legs were feeling so good this early into my training, most of the runs my legs are starting to feel heavy and tired and it came later than it used to. It used to hit me in the first 2 weeks and it's now about a month in.
Maybe more sleep would help, but that's easier said than done. What I don't think everyone realizes is these workouts either happen very early, around 5am ish, or very late, 10pm or later. Usually its late because as much as I want to and try its hard to get myself up to run in the cold at 5am. I'm also traveling a lot now and I'm surprised I've still been able to fit in workouts. I'm in NYC 1-2 times a week on average for business and usually I take a train the night before or at the crack of dawn and then I either hop a train or a flight home after my meetings. On average to go to NYC I leave my house at 5am to catch the train in time and I get back to my apt around 11pm ish. I also have to go to San Francisco and San Diego on occasion so my schedule has become a little more hectic but I'm now too obsessed with training and lifting to stop. I hate when I have to take a day off.
Quote of the day:
"You wake up at Seatac, SFO, LAX. You wake up at O'Hare, Dallas-Fort Worth, BWI. Pacific, mountain, central. Lose an hour, gain an hour. This is your life, and it's ending one minute at a time. You wake up at Air Harbor International. If you wake up at a different time, in a different place, could you wake up as a different person?" - Ed Norton, Fight Club
From all the traveling
Maybe more sleep would help, but that's easier said than done. What I don't think everyone realizes is these workouts either happen very early, around 5am ish, or very late, 10pm or later. Usually its late because as much as I want to and try its hard to get myself up to run in the cold at 5am. I'm also traveling a lot now and I'm surprised I've still been able to fit in workouts. I'm in NYC 1-2 times a week on average for business and usually I take a train the night before or at the crack of dawn and then I either hop a train or a flight home after my meetings. On average to go to NYC I leave my house at 5am to catch the train in time and I get back to my apt around 11pm ish. I also have to go to San Francisco and San Diego on occasion so my schedule has become a little more hectic but I'm now too obsessed with training and lifting to stop. I hate when I have to take a day off.
Quote of the day:
"You wake up at Seatac, SFO, LAX. You wake up at O'Hare, Dallas-Fort Worth, BWI. Pacific, mountain, central. Lose an hour, gain an hour. This is your life, and it's ending one minute at a time. You wake up at Air Harbor International. If you wake up at a different time, in a different place, could you wake up as a different person?" - Ed Norton, Fight Club
From all the traveling
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
Monday February 18, 2008 - New England Weather
The weather here is ridiculous. All of a sudden it is 54 degrees and feels great but it's such a tease because you know it won't last.
To take full advantage of it I had to run longer today so I fit in an 8miler. I WAY over dressed too because I figured by the time I got into it it would cool off and then running home I'd be cold. NOPE. Dead wrong. I got so hot while I was running I headed to MIT's track around 4mi so that I could take my pants and long sleeve off. I finished the last 4 around the MIT athletics fields shirtless and it felt so great. I couldn't believe how warm it was. I didn't feel great either, my legs felt really heavy and tired but I couldn't help but want to keep running. I ended the last 2mi on the track and steadily increased the speed. The air smelled like Stanford just after it rained and I ran out my regret from that race. Feels better.
At the gym I worked out my back and I realized I don't have enough workouts for my back, I need to learn more. There were a couple guys next to me doing workouts that looked like they are for your back but I always feel weird asking and even weirder trying it right after them. That's really stupid of me and I'll go ahead and get over that right now. Next time I'll just ask.
Quote of the day:
"Janice, I apologize to you if I don't seem real eager to jump into a forced awkward intimate situation that people like to call dating. I don't like the feeling. You're sitting there, you're wondering do I have food on my face, am I eating, am I talking too much, are they talking enough, am I interested I'm not really interested, should I play like I'm interested but I'm not that interested but I think she might be interested but do I want to be interested but now she's not interested? So all of the sudden I'm getting, I'm starting to get interested... And when am I supposed to kiss her? Do I have to wait for the door cause then it's awkward, it's like well goodnight. Do you do like that ass-out hug? Where you like, you hug each other like this and your ass sticks out cause you're trying not to get too close or do you just go right in and kiss them on the lips or don't kiss them at all? It's very difficult trying to read the situation. And all the while you're just really wondering are we gonna get hopped up enough to make some bad decisions? Perhaps play a little game called "just the tip". Just for a second, just to see how it feels. Or, ouch, ouch you're on my hair."
Just watched it good when it hits my eyes.
To take full advantage of it I had to run longer today so I fit in an 8miler. I WAY over dressed too because I figured by the time I got into it it would cool off and then running home I'd be cold. NOPE. Dead wrong. I got so hot while I was running I headed to MIT's track around 4mi so that I could take my pants and long sleeve off. I finished the last 4 around the MIT athletics fields shirtless and it felt so great. I couldn't believe how warm it was. I didn't feel great either, my legs felt really heavy and tired but I couldn't help but want to keep running. I ended the last 2mi on the track and steadily increased the speed. The air smelled like Stanford just after it rained and I ran out my regret from that race. Feels better.
At the gym I worked out my back and I realized I don't have enough workouts for my back, I need to learn more. There were a couple guys next to me doing workouts that looked like they are for your back but I always feel weird asking and even weirder trying it right after them. That's really stupid of me and I'll go ahead and get over that right now. Next time I'll just ask.
Quote of the day:
"Janice, I apologize to you if I don't seem real eager to jump into a forced awkward intimate situation that people like to call dating. I don't like the feeling. You're sitting there, you're wondering do I have food on my face, am I eating, am I talking too much, are they talking enough, am I interested I'm not really interested, should I play like I'm interested but I'm not that interested but I think she might be interested but do I want to be interested but now she's not interested? So all of the sudden I'm getting, I'm starting to get interested... And when am I supposed to kiss her? Do I have to wait for the door cause then it's awkward, it's like well goodnight. Do you do like that ass-out hug? Where you like, you hug each other like this and your ass sticks out cause you're trying not to get too close or do you just go right in and kiss them on the lips or don't kiss them at all? It's very difficult trying to read the situation. And all the while you're just really wondering are we gonna get hopped up enough to make some bad decisions? Perhaps play a little game called "just the tip". Just for a second, just to see how it feels. Or, ouch, ouch you're on my hair."
Just watched it good when it hits my eyes.
Sunday February 17, 2008 - Nap out of control
Today I had a nap really get out of hand fast. Last night at my sister's school was a lot of fun (even though the school itself is lame). I had 18 beers in my bag and I put the other 12 in hers. We sneak in a fire exit (because you have to check in and when you do they have to search your bag), and of course BAM we walk into the two RA's on patrol. My sister tries to slyly slip her bag into her door but the dude (who was a total tool and D bag) made her open the door and open the bag. Worse, he made her POUR the beers down the DRAIN! I was like, "seriously, dude, just take them, I'd rather you drink them then they go to waste like that." He wasn't having it.
The chick that was patrolling with him was taking down our information and she looks at my ID and says "like, oh my god, did you go to Cumberland High School?" So, I'm thinking, they haven't checked my bag yet, opportunity to distract, GO! "Why, yes I, did, where did you go?" "I went to Feehan, I like know so many people from Cumberland." We played the name game and got nowhere with that and during it I slipped my bag behind a chair in my sister's living room when that dude wasn't looking. Joke's on him. I drank those 18 beers and they were extra delicious.
So, when I got home I wanted just a nice 30min nap, that turned into 4hrs. Oops. I got up and woke myself up and then went for a great 6miler. It must have been the perfect timing after the nap because it felt really good, not groggy. I ended at the gym and did my pull up workout and some abs. The new ab routine I'm doing is working great, my abs are a LOT stronger, even noticeably while running and playing basketball.
Quote of the day:
Jude: [referring to Lucy] She's probably out fighting for the cause.
JoJo: Looks like you've been fighting for it too, huh?
Jude: I don't have one. That's the problem.
From Across the Universe because I watched it recently and can't get it out of my head, it's so good.
The chick that was patrolling with him was taking down our information and she looks at my ID and says "like, oh my god, did you go to Cumberland High School?" So, I'm thinking, they haven't checked my bag yet, opportunity to distract, GO! "Why, yes I, did, where did you go?" "I went to Feehan, I like know so many people from Cumberland." We played the name game and got nowhere with that and during it I slipped my bag behind a chair in my sister's living room when that dude wasn't looking. Joke's on him. I drank those 18 beers and they were extra delicious.
So, when I got home I wanted just a nice 30min nap, that turned into 4hrs. Oops. I got up and woke myself up and then went for a great 6miler. It must have been the perfect timing after the nap because it felt really good, not groggy. I ended at the gym and did my pull up workout and some abs. The new ab routine I'm doing is working great, my abs are a LOT stronger, even noticeably while running and playing basketball.
Quote of the day:
Jude: [referring to Lucy] She's probably out fighting for the cause.
JoJo: Looks like you've been fighting for it too, huh?
Jude: I don't have one. That's the problem.
From Across the Universe because I watched it recently and can't get it out of my head, it's so good.
Saturday February 16, 2008 - Quickie
I took Friday off because, like every Friday it seems, I had an early and really full day of work. Fridays we all want to leave early but we pack lots of work in and don't end up leaving until at least 7ish and by the time I get home it's time to go out and fulfill the plans I put together during the day.
So, I had a fun Friday night, out late and rather drunk so I slept until about noon today and got up and relaxed a little bit more. I am going to my sister's tonight at UMass Dartmouth because I haven't been there yet and I decided it was time to go party there with her. So, I only had a short amount of time to get my workout in because I did my laundry and that took longer than planned.
I hammered out a 4miler and felt pretty good considering I was up all night drinking, I guess that's why sleeping in is good. It was another great night for running, nice and cool and fresh smelling air. There were a lot more people running which helped me keep my pace up because if anyone tried to run up on me I wasn't allowing it, and as I ran up past someone I had to go by with authority, the authority of a bear, a Godless killing machine. Rawr.
I quickly cranked out my tricep workout and some abs and bolted the mile home. I didn't really have time to notice any shinanigans going on around me.
Quote of the day:
"Lois: Peter, you're drunk again!
Peter: No, I'm just exhausted because I've been up all night drinking."
Because that's what I did and what I was going to do again.
So, I had a fun Friday night, out late and rather drunk so I slept until about noon today and got up and relaxed a little bit more. I am going to my sister's tonight at UMass Dartmouth because I haven't been there yet and I decided it was time to go party there with her. So, I only had a short amount of time to get my workout in because I did my laundry and that took longer than planned.
I hammered out a 4miler and felt pretty good considering I was up all night drinking, I guess that's why sleeping in is good. It was another great night for running, nice and cool and fresh smelling air. There were a lot more people running which helped me keep my pace up because if anyone tried to run up on me I wasn't allowing it, and as I ran up past someone I had to go by with authority, the authority of a bear, a Godless killing machine. Rawr.
I quickly cranked out my tricep workout and some abs and bolted the mile home. I didn't really have time to notice any shinanigans going on around me.
Quote of the day:
"Lois: Peter, you're drunk again!
Peter: No, I'm just exhausted because I've been up all night drinking."
Because that's what I did and what I was going to do again.
Saturday, February 16, 2008
Thursday February 14, 2008 - Valentine's Day

Today was a hilarious day at the gym. I expected it to be relatively empty with people out on dates and whatnot. It was actually quite packed, but with an unusual crowd...
So, tonight I ran another 6mi and felt really good again. I'm really happy that all my runs feel so great. I've been waiting for the ones where I'm so sore and tired it hurts to move, but they haven't come yet. I did my favorite loop again along the Charles, letting the city lights take me away. It was another really nice night for running too, a nice cool air but not too cold. The kind of cool where you can run with your hands out of your sleeves and it feels good.
This was my first run without and iPod died :*( It not only died, but it took all my music with it. All 4000 songs from pre 2005 (never added a song after that year) gone. Now I have to start from scratch again. Like I said in a previous post...I'm already having a horrible 2008, it's a good thing I'm not an Olympic athlete, it would not be my year.
I ended the run at the gym and today I lifted biceps. I found two new workouts for biceps that are great. I think this is the first time that I've lifted biceps correctly and gotten a really good workout for them.
The gym was comical because it was filled with every hardcore weirdo nerd that couldn't get, nor would want, a date with a girl on valentines day.....and me. It was 98.5% male (wasn't sure about one person, that's where the .5% comes in) and they were loving it. It was like their day to shine. It was funny, but I was also happy for them. I wondered if this was their one day a year to go to the gym, because I've been to the gym at all different hours of the day, crack of dawn, just before closing, dead afternooon, and I've never seen any of these people. I'm glad they got their day, and for once, I was the jacked dude in the gym....WWWHHHHUUUUUTTTTT!!! MUSCLE MILK!!!!!
Quote of the day (not from a movie, from my cousin):
My Cousin: wat up
Me: just trying to get through this shitty "holiday" you?
My Cousin: same i already started drinkn
Thursday, February 14, 2008
Wednesday February 13, 2008 - Funny or Die
Today I rode the bike for 45min and then lifted chest and did some abs during my lunch break because tonight I went to the Will Ferrell Funny or Die comedy show at BC, more on that at the end of this post.
The ride was OK. First, I had to run to the gym in the FREEZING DOWNPOUR! It sucked, that's why I sprinted there and back as hard as I was tiring. And when I walk in and hand my towel card to the girl she says to me, "you're all wet." REALLY!? I hadn't noticed because I'm numb. Thanks for letting me know.
Then while I was riding I was way too hot, they had the heat freakin cranked up in that piece. WORSE, my ipod finally kicked the bucket, so I had to ride listening to the CD they repeat every day at that gym that includes such hits as Big girls don't cry and You want a piece of me. I've abused my iPod over and over but that baby kept trucking. I guess it's time to extract the songs, delete what I never listened to, and add all the new stuff I listen to and put it on my can't see it but a single tear is running down my cheek right now.
So, the Funny or Die show was IN-FUCKING-CREDIBLE. It featured Demetri Martin, Nick Swardson, and Zach Galifianakis. If you haven't heard anything by any of them, get on it, you're missing out. Will Ferrell was awesome, nothing short of the genius he brings in his movies. Also, he comes out as Ron Burgundy pulls a random girl from the audience and interviews her... brilliant. I'm so happy I have tickets for the NY show too.
Quote of the day:
"If you can't tell the difference between a spoon and a're fat" - Demetri Martin
The ride was OK. First, I had to run to the gym in the FREEZING DOWNPOUR! It sucked, that's why I sprinted there and back as hard as I was tiring. And when I walk in and hand my towel card to the girl she says to me, "you're all wet." REALLY!? I hadn't noticed because I'm numb. Thanks for letting me know.
Then while I was riding I was way too hot, they had the heat freakin cranked up in that piece. WORSE, my ipod finally kicked the bucket, so I had to ride listening to the CD they repeat every day at that gym that includes such hits as Big girls don't cry and You want a piece of me. I've abused my iPod over and over but that baby kept trucking. I guess it's time to extract the songs, delete what I never listened to, and add all the new stuff I listen to and put it on my can't see it but a single tear is running down my cheek right now.
So, the Funny or Die show was IN-FUCKING-CREDIBLE. It featured Demetri Martin, Nick Swardson, and Zach Galifianakis. If you haven't heard anything by any of them, get on it, you're missing out. Will Ferrell was awesome, nothing short of the genius he brings in his movies. Also, he comes out as Ron Burgundy pulls a random girl from the audience and interviews her... brilliant. I'm so happy I have tickets for the NY show too.
Quote of the day:
"If you can't tell the difference between a spoon and a're fat" - Demetri Martin
Tuesday February 12, 2008 - Night Run
This will be a nice short post, there wasn't that much interesting stuff that happened, just a great run. It's runs like this that make me love it.
It was a great night for running because it was just before a snow was to fall so it was a quiet, still, crisp, cool night. I love those nights along the Charles. I intended to go 4mi but it was such a great run that I went 6mi (woah, watch out, I'm crazy). To make things better, my iPod was on shuffle and just kept coming with great songs to run to. It was a clear night and the view of Boston lit up along the Charles just completely takes you away, it's a cool feeling.
I ended the run at the gym in just under 40min and I lifted shoulders, cranked on the abs, and jogged the mile home. As I was leaving the gym it started to snow, a nice light dusting, and it had that great crisp snow smell in the air. Just an overall great night of running.
Quote of the day:
"That my boy is snow. White stuff that falls from God. It won't hurt you actually, as long as you don't swallow any or carry it in your pocket. Some people claim it has magical powers. Try to put on long wooden planls and slide on it. Personally I don' think it will catch on." - Bruce Denton, Once a Runner
Great quote from a great book about great running, all like my night
It was a great night for running because it was just before a snow was to fall so it was a quiet, still, crisp, cool night. I love those nights along the Charles. I intended to go 4mi but it was such a great run that I went 6mi (woah, watch out, I'm crazy). To make things better, my iPod was on shuffle and just kept coming with great songs to run to. It was a clear night and the view of Boston lit up along the Charles just completely takes you away, it's a cool feeling.
I ended the run at the gym in just under 40min and I lifted shoulders, cranked on the abs, and jogged the mile home. As I was leaving the gym it started to snow, a nice light dusting, and it had that great crisp snow smell in the air. Just an overall great night of running.
Quote of the day:
"That my boy is snow. White stuff that falls from God. It won't hurt you actually, as long as you don't swallow any or carry it in your pocket. Some people claim it has magical powers. Try to put on long wooden planls and slide on it. Personally I don' think it will catch on." - Bruce Denton, Once a Runner
Great quote from a great book about great running, all like my night
Monday February 11, 2008 - Swimming is hard
I really need to start writing these right after they happen because I forget a lot. But I got back from this one really late so I got lazy.
Tonight, to mix it up a little bit, I swam a mile at MIT's pool and I remembered something...swimming is HARD. I put myself in the slow lane so I would specifically try to go slow so I wouldn't be in the tank right away. I THOUGHT I was going slow, but I hope I wasn't because I started to go into the tank after 50yards (2 laps). I went a quarter mile free style, quarter mile breast stroke (haha...boob), quarter mile side stroke, and a quarter mile alternating free style and breast stroke because free style was so tiring I had to take the breast stroke as a rest lap.
The last half mile was the worst because in the middle, while I looked like a drowning animal of some sort, I looked up to notice my friendly roided up life guard had been replaced by a really cute blonde haired blue eyed life guard and she was enjoying watching me struggle. I thought about fake drowning, Squints style from The Sandlot, but I thought that might end up being sexual assault or something like that so I decided against it and toughed out my last laps. The only thing that made me look better was the guy in the lane next to me was, for whatever reason, trying to swim backwards. He looked like he was drowning for real, that's actually what drew my attention at first and the drew it towards the life guard. I thought I was going to get to see roidguard freakin dive in and take action, then I looked up and saw Wendy Peffercorn sitting up there and I immediately forgot about the guy possibly drowing.
I'm just kidding, I realized he wasn't drowning so I stopped staring, it's not nice. If he were really drowning I would have been all over that.
Reminder to self, swim on Monday nights.
After the pool I just did abs, the pool was a workout enough.
Quote of the day:
Squints: For-ev-ver! For-ev-ver! For-ev-ver! For-ev-ver!
Good movie, classic quote, and his magic moment with Wendy Peffercorn the life guard reminded me of that one.
Tonight, to mix it up a little bit, I swam a mile at MIT's pool and I remembered something...swimming is HARD. I put myself in the slow lane so I would specifically try to go slow so I wouldn't be in the tank right away. I THOUGHT I was going slow, but I hope I wasn't because I started to go into the tank after 50yards (2 laps). I went a quarter mile free style, quarter mile breast stroke (haha...boob), quarter mile side stroke, and a quarter mile alternating free style and breast stroke because free style was so tiring I had to take the breast stroke as a rest lap.
The last half mile was the worst because in the middle, while I looked like a drowning animal of some sort, I looked up to notice my friendly roided up life guard had been replaced by a really cute blonde haired blue eyed life guard and she was enjoying watching me struggle. I thought about fake drowning, Squints style from The Sandlot, but I thought that might end up being sexual assault or something like that so I decided against it and toughed out my last laps. The only thing that made me look better was the guy in the lane next to me was, for whatever reason, trying to swim backwards. He looked like he was drowning for real, that's actually what drew my attention at first and the drew it towards the life guard. I thought I was going to get to see roidguard freakin dive in and take action, then I looked up and saw Wendy Peffercorn sitting up there and I immediately forgot about the guy possibly drowing.
I'm just kidding, I realized he wasn't drowning so I stopped staring, it's not nice. If he were really drowning I would have been all over that.
Reminder to self, swim on Monday nights.
After the pool I just did abs, the pool was a workout enough.
Quote of the day:
Squints: For-ev-ver! For-ev-ver! For-ev-ver! For-ev-ver!
Good movie, classic quote, and his magic moment with Wendy Peffercorn the life guard reminded me of that one.
Sunday, February 10, 2008
Another great ride
I wanted to run today but there were crazy amount of wind and it snowed off and on, it looked like we were in a snow globe for a while. So, instead I sprinted over to the gym and rode again. I'm really starting to like riding the spinning bikes at MIT's gym. I get into a great rhythm and zone and I can just hammer through and it goes by so fast.
Today I rode for an hour and I threw in a 1min hill at 15min, 30min, and 45min. The guy next to me was riding standing up the whole time (at least 20min). I don't know how he did that or why, it looked really uncomfortable and inefficient.
My legs felt tired today from the 10mi run with Oz yesterday but I wasn't sore so I was happy about that. I took it east the first 5min to get into it and then I slowly got myself in a groove. The last 10min were particularly great. I shut my eyes, put a song that I was really feeling on repeat, and just got in a great fast paced rhythm to finish the ride off.
Afterwards, I did my pull up workout again, as well as 3 sets of dips, and abs. Then I sprinted home again. There was some thunder in the distance and a couple flashes of lightning as I was running home. It was such weird weather to have those as well as snow and heavy wind. I thought a tornado was inevitable, but I was wrong.
It's the end of a week and the start of a new. Let's see if I can get through this week without any hiccups in my training. I'm not liking 2008 so far.
Quote of the day(another lame one, sorry):
"Now I know,
That I can't make you stay.
But where's your heart?
But where's your heart?
But where's your,
And I know.
There's nothing I can say.
To change that part.
To change that part.
To change.
So many,
Bright lights they cast a shadow,
But can I speak?
Well is it hard understanding,
I'm incomplete?
A life that's so demanding,
I get so weak.
A love that's so demanding,
I can't speak.
I am not afraid to keep on living,
I am not afraid to walk this world alone
Honey if you stay I'll be forgiven,
Nothing you can say can stop me going home." - My Chemical Romance: Famous Last Words
The song that really got me in a great groove for the last 10min of the ride today.
Today I rode for an hour and I threw in a 1min hill at 15min, 30min, and 45min. The guy next to me was riding standing up the whole time (at least 20min). I don't know how he did that or why, it looked really uncomfortable and inefficient.
My legs felt tired today from the 10mi run with Oz yesterday but I wasn't sore so I was happy about that. I took it east the first 5min to get into it and then I slowly got myself in a groove. The last 10min were particularly great. I shut my eyes, put a song that I was really feeling on repeat, and just got in a great fast paced rhythm to finish the ride off.
Afterwards, I did my pull up workout again, as well as 3 sets of dips, and abs. Then I sprinted home again. There was some thunder in the distance and a couple flashes of lightning as I was running home. It was such weird weather to have those as well as snow and heavy wind. I thought a tornado was inevitable, but I was wrong.
It's the end of a week and the start of a new. Let's see if I can get through this week without any hiccups in my training. I'm not liking 2008 so far.
Quote of the day(another lame one, sorry):
"Now I know,
That I can't make you stay.
But where's your heart?
But where's your heart?
But where's your,
And I know.
There's nothing I can say.
To change that part.
To change that part.
To change.
So many,
Bright lights they cast a shadow,
But can I speak?
Well is it hard understanding,
I'm incomplete?
A life that's so demanding,
I get so weak.
A love that's so demanding,
I can't speak.
I am not afraid to keep on living,
I am not afraid to walk this world alone
Honey if you stay I'll be forgiven,
Nothing you can say can stop me going home." - My Chemical Romance: Famous Last Words
The song that really got me in a great groove for the last 10min of the ride today.
Saturday February 7, 2008 - Oz
Today I went to BU to watch the valentine invitational that the guys were running. Sarro and JBone had a great mile running 4:11 and 4:10 respectively. They closed the last hundo really hard, it was great to see.
Then Oz and I went out for a run. He was going 15 so I mustered up the strength to go 10 and keep him company. I figured, hey, it's long run day. We ran around the Charles and the run started windy and shitty then it got better for most of the middle part of the run and then it was shitty at the end again. Oz caught the worst of it on his last 5mi.
I made it 8mi with no problems, feeling pretty good, the last 2 my legs very quickly became tired and my lower back got a little sore. It continued to be sore for the rest of the day. Overall, it was a great run and I'm glad I got to keep Oz company.
Back at BU I ran into a couple of old friends who are now assistant coaching at BC and URI which is pretty cool. I was able to see Sean run 1:52 in the 800 and Colin blast out a fantastic 8:24 3k. Hopefully that puts him in the fast heat at HEPS.
Quote of the day:
"Bart: [after they watch a foreign film] I was so bored I cut the pony tail off the guy in front of us.
[holds pony tail to his head]
Bart: Look at me, I'm a grad student. I'm 30 years old and I made $600 last year.
Marge: Bart, don't make fun of grad students. They've just made a terrible life choice.
Thought of it when Oz and I were running by MIT around 2pm and there were people stuying in the library and Oz and I noted how they are most likely way smarter than us simply based on the fact that they are in the library at 2pm on a Saturday.
Then Oz and I went out for a run. He was going 15 so I mustered up the strength to go 10 and keep him company. I figured, hey, it's long run day. We ran around the Charles and the run started windy and shitty then it got better for most of the middle part of the run and then it was shitty at the end again. Oz caught the worst of it on his last 5mi.
I made it 8mi with no problems, feeling pretty good, the last 2 my legs very quickly became tired and my lower back got a little sore. It continued to be sore for the rest of the day. Overall, it was a great run and I'm glad I got to keep Oz company.
Back at BU I ran into a couple of old friends who are now assistant coaching at BC and URI which is pretty cool. I was able to see Sean run 1:52 in the 800 and Colin blast out a fantastic 8:24 3k. Hopefully that puts him in the fast heat at HEPS.
Quote of the day:
"Bart: [after they watch a foreign film] I was so bored I cut the pony tail off the guy in front of us.
[holds pony tail to his head]
Bart: Look at me, I'm a grad student. I'm 30 years old and I made $600 last year.
Marge: Bart, don't make fun of grad students. They've just made a terrible life choice.
Thought of it when Oz and I were running by MIT around 2pm and there were people stuying in the library and Oz and I noted how they are most likely way smarter than us simply based on the fact that they are in the library at 2pm on a Saturday.
bu valentine invitational,
Thursday February 5, 2008 - Venting
Life does not want it to be easy for me to keep a routine, or do anything for that matter. I don't know why Life is testing me so much this year already. Maybe I deserve it, who knows.
Monday I had to go in to work early and left late so that day was shot.
Tuesday I had food poisoning and Wednesday I was sick.
I felt a little better on Thursday and I had planned to give myself one more day to get back to full health but I had another incident that required I blow off a lot of steam. So, I went to the gym and I rode the bike for almost 2hrs. I was in such a zone that it felt like 15min, it went by so fast. Every 10min I threw in a 1min surge with heavy resistance.
The gym was really packed that night and I was able to get the last spinning bike. I had 2 different people on the one next to me in the time I was riding. Each one thought I was crazy, and so did the people around me. I could see their reflections in the window in front of me. I was just able to completely block out any pain and tiredness and I just hammered on.
After the ride, I was sweat drenched and walking funny from being on the bike so long. I did my pull up workout, 3 sets of dips, and some abs then I sprinted the mile home. I still wasn't tired.
Friday was another full day of going in early, staying late, and then rushing to meet up with the people I was going out with that night so I didn't get a workout in. So frustrating. I really need to teach myself to get into a good morning routine. It's hard to start and keep up the first week or two. I just need to pass that thresh hold.
Quote of the day (this one's kind of lame but I'm just being honest):
"I was waiting
For the day you'd come around.
I was chasing,
And nothing was all I found.
From the moment you came into my life,
You showed me what's right.
And it feels like tonight.
I can't believe I'm broken inside.
Can't you see that there's nothing that I wanna do,
But try to make it up to you?
And it feels like tonight." - Daughtry: Feels Like Tonight
Listened to this song so many times during the ride (Tushar style). Helped keep me going.
Monday I had to go in to work early and left late so that day was shot.
Tuesday I had food poisoning and Wednesday I was sick.
I felt a little better on Thursday and I had planned to give myself one more day to get back to full health but I had another incident that required I blow off a lot of steam. So, I went to the gym and I rode the bike for almost 2hrs. I was in such a zone that it felt like 15min, it went by so fast. Every 10min I threw in a 1min surge with heavy resistance.
The gym was really packed that night and I was able to get the last spinning bike. I had 2 different people on the one next to me in the time I was riding. Each one thought I was crazy, and so did the people around me. I could see their reflections in the window in front of me. I was just able to completely block out any pain and tiredness and I just hammered on.
After the ride, I was sweat drenched and walking funny from being on the bike so long. I did my pull up workout, 3 sets of dips, and some abs then I sprinted the mile home. I still wasn't tired.
Friday was another full day of going in early, staying late, and then rushing to meet up with the people I was going out with that night so I didn't get a workout in. So frustrating. I really need to teach myself to get into a good morning routine. It's hard to start and keep up the first week or two. I just need to pass that thresh hold.
Quote of the day (this one's kind of lame but I'm just being honest):
"I was waiting
For the day you'd come around.
I was chasing,
And nothing was all I found.
From the moment you came into my life,
You showed me what's right.
And it feels like tonight.
I can't believe I'm broken inside.
Can't you see that there's nothing that I wanna do,
But try to make it up to you?
And it feels like tonight." - Daughtry: Feels Like Tonight
Listened to this song so many times during the ride (Tushar style). Helped keep me going.
Saturday, February 2, 2008
Little Snake

There will be no crazy MIT stories today. I ran in the Glorious State (Rhody) at the Glorious School (Bruno).
I took a little day off yesterday because I didn't have time to get out. I had to go in to work early and I headed straight to Providence from there. I will probably take a day off a week anyway to rest the ol bod.
Today I felt like doing hills for shits and giggles so I left from the OMAC and ran little snake. I felt great and it was a really nice night for running. I took it easy and comfortable the whole way, except on Freeman. Why? Fuck Freeman, that's why. I'll never let that hill have it the easy way. I think the whole run was a little over 4mi because I added on a bit at the end. I have no idea what my time was, I ran ipod-less.
Afterwards, I lifted back and triceps. For back I did lateral pull downs 3sets of 10 @ 140lbs, I did seated rows 3sets of 10 @ 100lbs, and I did the one with free weights that looks like you're practicing starting a lawnmower 3sets of 10 @ 40lbs. Then I did 3 tricep workouts, 2 of which I don't know what they're called and don't feel like explaining and the 3rd was dips, 3sets of 20 dips. I cranked out some abs, stretched, and called it a day.
There were 2 dudes in there wearing the standard wife beaters and they were pretty big and looked pretty strong but then they went to bench and were struggling to put up 90lbs. It was kind of funny looking. WHHHHUUUUTTT!!! WHHHUUUTTT!!! WHHHUUUTTT!!!
Quote of the day:
Steve Carrell in The Office when Phyllis is getting married and he's planning a wedding shower for the guys-
We're having a Guys Afternoon In....a GAI (pronounces it gay)
No...Not a GAI....A shower for men...a man shower.
Because I was watching it earlier with Chow.
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