There will be no crazy MIT stories today. I ran in the Glorious State (Rhody) at the Glorious School (Bruno).
I took a little day off yesterday because I didn't have time to get out. I had to go in to work early and I headed straight to Providence from there. I will probably take a day off a week anyway to rest the ol bod.
Today I felt like doing hills for shits and giggles so I left from the OMAC and ran little snake. I felt great and it was a really nice night for running. I took it easy and comfortable the whole way, except on Freeman. Why? Fuck Freeman, that's why. I'll never let that hill have it the easy way. I think the whole run was a little over 4mi because I added on a bit at the end. I have no idea what my time was, I ran ipod-less.
Afterwards, I lifted back and triceps. For back I did lateral pull downs 3sets of 10 @ 140lbs, I did seated rows 3sets of 10 @ 100lbs, and I did the one with free weights that looks like you're practicing starting a lawnmower 3sets of 10 @ 40lbs. Then I did 3 tricep workouts, 2 of which I don't know what they're called and don't feel like explaining and the 3rd was dips, 3sets of 20 dips. I cranked out some abs, stretched, and called it a day.
There were 2 dudes in there wearing the standard wife beaters and they were pretty big and looked pretty strong but then they went to bench and were struggling to put up 90lbs. It was kind of funny looking. WHHHHUUUUTTT!!! WHHHUUUTTT!!! WHHHUUUTTT!!!
Quote of the day:
Steve Carrell in The Office when Phyllis is getting married and he's planning a wedding shower for the guys-
We're having a Guys Afternoon In....a GAI (pronounces it gay)
No...Not a GAI....A shower for men...a man shower.
Because I was watching it earlier with Chow.
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